
10 Exercises That Works Wonder To Reduce Belly Fat

How To Reduce Belly Fat? 10 Home Workouts To Reduce Belly Fat

10  Exercises That Works Wonder To Reduce Belly Fat

Do you want to fit into a gorgeous and stylish dress but belly bulge ruins your plan of being exotic? Belly fat is the most stubborn fat in the whole body. For some people losing belly fat is the main goal to achieve the desired body but for others, it can be a part of their daily routine. The deposition of fat around the abdomen is very harmful as it strongly links with heart diseases and increases cholesterol levels.

Is it possible to reduce belly fat by exercises?
 It is not possible to do spot reduction of fat in particular areas until you have undergone heavy treatments or liposuction but there certain weight-loss strategies that target fat in the abdominal area more than any other area.

When you are trying to lose belly fat you should focus on your diet too. Because nutrition is as important as exercise. If you are eating healthy it will benefit the effect of exercise on your body.

Besides Exercises Other Things You Should Keep In Mind If You Are On The Way To Lose Belly Fat

1) Avoid junk and sugary food

Excess oily and sugary food may result in excess fat in the abdomen and liver. You should also avoid canned food and sugary beverages as this will add more fat to your belly.

2) Track your calories

Tracking calories is a must thing if you are willing to lose belly fat. There are various apps that you can use to track your daily calories. One of the most important things is you have to take a calorie deficit diet if you want to lose fat.

3) Say goodbye to fat and carbohydrates rich food

This doesn't mean you have to fully eliminate these foods from your diet. Eating fewer carbs and healthy fat will help too as they are required for the normal functioning of the body.

4) More fiber in the diet

Eating plenty of fiber can help you with weight loss. Dietary fibers slowdowns the digestion and absorption process thus resulting in a prolonged feeling of fullness. The best way to get fiber is to include a lot of fruits and vegetables.

5) Drink a lot of water

Drinking a lot of water results in the feeling of fullness. Warm water with lemon can work wonder for you, it increases metabolism .you can add honey instead of lemon or can add both. It constantly flushes out toxin from the body

Here Are 10 Effective Home Workouts That Will Help You To Lose Belly Fat Quick

1) Crunches

 The crunches are classic compound -core exercise, it mainly targets upper, lower abdominal, and oblique muscles. You can also add crunch variation once you mastered basic crunches.

How to do Crunches

Lie on the mat, keep your knees bent, your feet flat and your hands supporting your head.

Return to the starting position slowly and repeat until the set is complete.

Lift your shoulder, squeeze your abdominal muscles and hold for 1 to 2 seconds.

 Duration-30’ ×16

2) Hip Lifts

Effective Exercise To Reduce Belly Fat- Hip Lifts

Also known as Pelvic Lift, it mainly strengthens lower abdominal muscles and glute muscles. For variation, you can add weights too.

How to Do Hip Lifts?

·         Lie on your back. Rest your hands by your sides or place your hands underneath your butt.

·         Extend your legs out so they are few inches above the ground. Draw your lower abs in and press your lower back into the floor.

·         Press the hips up as high as you can.

Duration-30’× 16

3) Plank

Effective Exercise To Reduce Belly Fat- Plank Exercise

Also known as an abdominal bridge it is an isometric core strength exercise. It mainly strengthens the abdominals and shoulders.

How to do Plank?

·         Get into a pushup position, with your elbow under your shoulder and your feet hip-width apart.

·         Bend your elbows and rest your weight on your forearms and your toes.

·         Hold this plank position as long as you can.


4) Leg Raise

Effective Exercise To Reduce Belly Fat- Leg Raise

It strengthens the abdominal muscles and targets the anterior hip flexors. It is also used to strengthen the internal and external oblique muscles.

How to do Leg Raises?

·         Lie on your back with your hands by your sides or underneath your butt. Keep your legs straight or bent if you are a b beginner.

·         Raise your leg until it makes an L shape.

·         Pause for few seconds and lower both legs slowly and then return to the starting position.

Duration-30’× 18

5) Bicycle Crunch

Effective Exercise To Reduce Belly Fat-Bicycle Crunch

The most popular abdominal exercise which targets obliques, lower, middle, and upper abdominal muscle .it also strengthen hamstrings and quads. You can also use a bench to add more challenge to the workout.

How to do Bicycle Crunch?

·         Lie on your back, lift your shoulders off the mat and raise both the legs.

·         Bring knee and the opposing elbow close to each other by crunching to one side.
·          Extend the other leg fully.

·         Back to the starting position and then crunch to the opposite side.

Duration-30’× 18

6) Toe Touch

Effective Exercise To Reduce Belly Fat- Toe Touch

It mainly targets the core and mostly engages lower abs. You can add weights for a more challenging workout.

How to do Toe Touch?

·         Lie on your back and lift your legs until they are perpendicular to the floor.

·         Extend your arms, lift your shoulders off the floor and try touching your feet with the dumbbell.

·         Retrieve to the starting position and repeat.

Duration -30’× 20

7) Russian Twist

Effective Exercise To Reduce Belly Fat- Russian Twist

 It mainly targets the abdominal muscles (while performing a twisting motion). It is also beneficial for building the upper torso.

How to do Russian twists?

·         Lie on your back with your legs bent at knees.

·         Elevate your upper body so that it creates a V shape with your knee bent.

·         Twist your body (torso) to the right and then reverse the motion, twisting it to the left.

Duration-30’× 20

8) Flutter Kicks

Effective Exercise To Reduce Belly Fat- Flutter Kicks

Flutter kicks are basic warm-up exercises, mainly targets abs muscle thus strengthen your core as well as back.

How to do Flutter Kicks?

·         Lie on your back with your hands by your sides or place them underneath your glutes.

·         Stack your feet on top of each other, alternatively.

Duration-30’× 50

9) Mountain Climbers

Effective Exercise To Reduce Belly Fat- Mountain Climbers

This exercise works core muscle, builds endurance and stamina, and increase the overall strength of the body.

How to do Mountain Climbers?

·         Get into a pushup position, hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Keep your toes in such a way it touches the floor.

·         Bring one knee up toward the center of your stomach and quickly alternate between legs.

Duration-30’ ×20

10) V Body Hold

Effective Exercise To Reduce Belly Fat- V Body Hold

It mainly targets abdominal muscle and also builds core strength.

How to do V Hold?

·         Lie on the back and extend your legs and hand to make V shape.

·         Hold for some time and return to the original position.

·         Raise both legs and arms simultaneously.

Duration -30’× 20


Effective Exercise To Reduce Belly Fat

 Exercises are not just about the way you want to look but also about you being healthy. You need a little alteration in your lifestyle too. These exercises will work wonder if you add it to your daily workout routine.

Diet also plays a very important role along with your exercise. Proper exercise but an unhealthy diet will never give you the desired results.

HIIT and cardio can speed up the process of burning fat. There are no magic tricks or remedies to lose belly fat in a week.

 Consistency is the key to achieve any goal, so be consistent and patient.

If you want to fit on those dresses you purchased by saving your earnings, stop promising and start working out.

By adopting all the proper techniques and lifestyle change you can achieve your goal within 1-2 months.

Have you ever tried home workouts? Share your experience in the comment section. :)

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