
How To Stop Hair Loss ?10 Remedies That Actually Works

Home Remedies For Hair Loss-10 Home Remedies To Make Sure You Regrow Hair
Home Remedies To Control Hair Fall

 Are you exhausted of having chunks of hair in your drain right after you shower or on your pillow cover as soon you wakeup? Minor hair fall is a common phenomenon among men and women of all ages. Losing around 40-100 strands a day while combing is quite normal but when you lose hair every time you wash, comb, or oil your hair is when an actual crisis begins.

About hair Cycle

Hair is made up of a protein called keratin which is enclosed in hair follicles. Hair always grows in a constant cycle in which include growing, resting, and shedding phase. Every hair has a different period cycle therefore they don’t shed at once. So it is quite common if you lose around 100-200 hairs a day as lost hair is often replaced with new strands.

Why does hair fall occur?
There are a wide range of conditions that can bring  on hair loss, major ones are

 1) Genetics-Genetics is one of the worst reasons for hair fall as you can’t change your genetic sequence. If your mother or father loses a lot of hair, your chances of losing hair increases too.

2) Hormones -Hormones affect hair growth drastically if your hormones level keeps fluctuating chances of hair fall keep increasing. Other conditions like menopausethyroidpregnancy, and birth control pills also affect hormones level.

3) Stress-Anything that makes you constantly stress will show its effect on your head too. Engage yourself in stress-relieving activities like yoga, meditation.

4) Medications-Medications like neoplastic agents (anti-cancer), antidepressanthyperlipidemic drugs ( cholesterol )greatly result in hair fall.

5) Diet-Vitamin or nutrition deficiency will only worsen the hair fall. Deficiency of vital nutrientsprotein, iron, vitamins, and various other minerals may also cause excessive loss of hair.

6) Chemical Products- Extensive use of chemical products also trigger hair loss. Tight hairdosbunshigh ponytailsextensive heating, and styling can cause extreme hair fall.

Extreme hair fall is a reason for concern but you need not spend a lot of money on its treatment. Alteration in your lifestyle and diet can work wonder too. Once you recognize the triggers for hair loss you can decrease hair fall or even regrow your lost hair. Kitchen ingredients work wonder to reduce hair fall and you can invent your hair mask according to your hair type. So, here are masks that can be used for the treatment of hair loss.

10 Home Remedies That Control Hair Fall And Promote Hair Growth

 1)  Egg Mask

Best Hair Mask To Control Hair Fall- Egg Hair Mask

 Proteins are widely known to promote healthy hair growth. Egg whites are rich in protein (essential amino acid) widely used to control hair fall. Eggs are also a rich source of sulfur, phosphorusselenium, iodinezinc, all these ingredients promote hair growth.

Method 1
  • Separate whites from the yolk in a bowl.
  • Add a tablespoon of olive oil.
  •  Whisk or beat to make paste-like consistency and apply to the entire scalp and hair.
  • Rinse off with lukewarm water and use a mild shampoo.
Method 2
  • Mix raw egg with few teaspoons of castor oil or banana.
  • Apply this mixture on your scalp.
  • This mask can be used for dandruff treatment.
Note- Do this once or twice a week.
            You can use a comb to evenly distribute the mixture on your hair.

Duration- 20 minutes

 2)  Indian gooseberry

Best Hair Mask To Control Hair Fall- Indian Gooseberry Hair Mask

Also known as Amla, is widely used for people suffering from hair fall. Amla is considered as superfruit as it is rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acid, and phytonutrients that can reverse hair loss if it is in the initial stage. Antioxidants like phyllantine, gallic acid, ellagic acid present in amala help maintain a healthy scalp. It also reduces dryness, irritation, and dandruff.

  • Use either Amla juice or powder and mix it with lemon juice apply it on the scalp and let it settle.
  • Massage your scalp gently with your fingertips.
  • Rinse hair with lukewarm water.
Note –Do this once a week.

Duration – 1 hour

3)  Hibiscus

Best Hair Mask To Control Hair Fall-  Hibiscus Hair Mask

 Also called as  Shoe Flower. Hibiscus is rich in  Vitamin C, and phytonutrients like flavonoids. It nourishes hair, prevents premature greying, treats dandruff, and also controls hair fall. This also improves blood circulation thus stimulate hair growth and prevent thinning of hair.

Method 1
  •  Crush few flowers and mix coconut oil to make a paste.
  • Add sesame oil too.
  • Apply on the scalp.
  • Wash it off with cold water and use a mild shampoo. 
Method 2
  • Make a paste of hibiscus flowers and aloe vera gel.
  • Apply on your scalp.
  • Wash it off with cold water.
Note- Do this twice a week.

Duration- a few hours

 4)  Henna

Best Hair Mask To Control Hair Fall- Henna  Hair Mask

 It is mostly used as natural hair color or as a conditioner. Henna has the property that can strengthen your hair from the roots. You can combine it with another ingredient to make a better hair pack. It contains lawsone (coloring component), glycosides, flavonoids, fats, and resins. These components improve follicle health. It also has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

Method 1
  •  Take mustard oil and dried Henna leaves.
  •  Now boil the mixture and filter the oil.
  • Massage scalp with this oil. 
Method 2
  • Add curd and henna in a bowl.
  • Make a paste and apply on your hair.
  • Rinse off with water.
Note- Do this twice a month.

Duration- 1-2 hours

 5)  Garlic

Best Hair Mask To Control Hair Fall- Garlic Hair Mask

 Garlic has high sulfur content this is the reason why it is used in traditional hair regrowth medicine. It is rich in vitamins and minerals like calcium and zinc. It also contains selenium which boosts blood circulation in the scalp. It cleanses the follicles and unclogs the pores.

Method 1
  •  Crush few cloves of garlic and add coconut oil to it.
  •  Boil the mixture for few minutes.
  • Cooldown the mixture and then massage it on your scalp gently.
  • Wash your hair.
Method 2
  • Add minced garlic and few tablespoons of honey in a bowl.
  • Apply this paste on your hair and scalp.
  • Rinse it off with water.
Note- Do this once a week.
         You can add warm coconut oil instead of honey to make the paste.

Duration-30 minutes

 6)  Onion
Best Hair Mask To Control Hair Fall- Onion Hair Mask

  Onion is a rich source of sulfur that promotes hair growth by increasing collagen production. It contains antioxidants that prevent premature greying and hair fall. It also possesses anti-bacterial properties thus prevent infections.

Method 1
  •  Cut one onion finely and squeeze out its juice.
  •  Apply the juice on your scalp.
  • Rinse off with mild shampoo.
 Method 2
  • Mix onion juice and 2 tablespoons of coconut oil.
  • Add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil.
  • Apply this mixture on your scalp.
Note-On alternate days.

Duration- 15-30 minutes.

7)  Aloe Vera

Best Hair Mask To Control Hair Fall-  Aloe Vera Hair Mask

 Aloe vera is rich in Vitamin Cand Vitamin E which promote hair growth. It also contains enzymes pt that directly promotes healthy hair growth. Its alkalizing property can help bring scalp and hair pH to a more desirable rate which can greatly promote hair growth.

  • Scrape the gel.
  • Directly apply aloe vera gel on your hair and scalp.
  • Wash it off with lukewarm water.

Note- Do this once a week.

Duration-Few hours

  8)  Licorice Root

Best Hair Mask To Control Hair Fall- Licorice Hair Mask

 Licorice is another herb that prevents hair loss and further damage to the hair. The pacifying property of licorice root open the poressoothe the scalp, and help get rid of irritation and dry flakes. This remedy is good for dandruff, hair loss, and baldness too.

  •  Add 1 tablespoon of licorice root and 1 cup of milk and teaspoon of saffron.
  • Apply this paste on scalp, hair and bald patches at bedtime.
  • Wash your hair.
Note- Apply this twice a week.

Duration- Overnight

 9)  Coconut Oil

Best Hair Mask To Control Hair Fall- Coconut Oil Hair Mask

 Coconut oil not only promotes hair growth but also deep conditions the hair. It has essential fatty acids like lauric acid, palmitic acid, and oleic acid.  It also contains protein which reduces hair breakage. It is rich in potassium too. You can use either coconut oil or milk to prevent hair fall.

Method 1
  • Warm a bit of coconut oil and apply it from your hair root to tip.
  • Wash with lukewarm water.
 Method 2
  • Grate coconut and squeeze out its milk.
  • Apply it on your scalp.
  • Wash it off with water.
Note- Do this thrice a week.

Duration- 1-2 hours

 10)  Rosemary Oil
Best Hair Mask To Control Hair Fall- Rosemary Oil Hair Mask

It is an essential oil that promotes hair growth and reduces hair fall. It stimulates new hair growth too. It mainly contains cineole, camphor, and pinene which are known to promote hair growth.

  • Mix rosemary oil in olive or coconut oil.
  • Massage on your hair and scalp.
  • Rinse off with water.
Note- Do not use it directly on your scalp.

Duration-10-15 minutes


Effective Home Remedies To Control Hair Fall

Growing your hair is a difficult task and requires a lot of patience. These home ingredients are mainly growth stimulators thus promote healthy hair growth.

If you want to reduce hair fall, you have to stay consistent. These remedies may take a few months to yield noticeable results. Be creative and invent your remedies depending on your hair texture.

It's important to take care of your diet and lifestyle to get luscious hair. Meditation, yoga, and massages can work wonder too if hair fall is emotional or stress-related.

If hair fall persisted on the application of home remedies, consult a doctor. Stay positive and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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