
12 Amazing Cancer-Fighting Superfruits You Should Eat

How To Fight Cancer? 12 Amazing Cancer-Fighting Superfruits You Should Eat Daily

 Amazing super fruits that fights cancer

Looking for varieties of cancer-fighting fruits to add in your everyday routine? But before we indulge deep in the topic, Is there anything such as cancer-fighting fruits? Can specific types of fruits prevent cancer?

Unluckily the answer is NO, as there is no such thing that can completely prevent cancer.

According to health experts “Anything you eat can drastically affect your health.” Many fruits contain beneficial components that could limit the growth of cancer cells.

  However, before you delve into the topic of cancer-fighting fruits, you should know a little bit about cancer.

Do you know what cancer is?

Cancer is the abnormal growth of the body’s cell which in later stages can spread into surrounding tissues. It can start anywhere in the human body without any earlier symptoms.

How does cancer occur?

Cancer is mainly caused because of mutation in the DNA, results in interruption of the normal growth control mechanism of the body. In such conditions, old cells do not undergo apoptosis (normal cell death) and continue to grow out of control and forming abnormal cells or mass of cells or tumors.

Risk factors

1) Genetic Mutation

One of the primary causes of abnormal cell growth is the mutation that occurs in the genetic sequence. The reason behind a sudden mutation is not known yet.

2) Lifestyle habits

Habits, like smoking, drinking, excessive exposure to the sun, and being obese can greatly contribute to cancer.
Employing yourself in routine workouts helps to gain a healthy lifestyle.

3) Family history

Cancer transpiring in people because of inherited conditions is very rare or less. If cancer is common in your family, the chances of acquiring or passing mutations to the next generation are possible.

4)Chronic Health Conditions

Chronic health conditions can increase the risk of developing cancer.

Here Are The List Of 12 Amazing Fruits That Fight Cancer

1) Loquat

Amazing cancer-fighting  super fruits  -Loquat fruit

  • Obtained from tree Eriobotrya japonica, belongs to the family Rosaceae.
  • Widely known by the name - Japanese medlar or Japanese plum.
  • Loquat fruit is rich in Vitamin A, B, C, and minerals like potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium. It also contains a lot of fibers.
  • It has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Rich in water content, thus possesses diuretic properties which are useful for UTI and stones.
  •  Fruit’s skin and flesh contain phytochemicals like carotenoids and the phenols which are known to possess anticancer properties.
  • Leaves and seeds of the fruit have anticancer effects as they inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
  • Also, use to lower blood glucose levels.

2) Pineapple

Amazing cancer-fighting  super fruits -Pineapple Fruit

  • Obtained from the tree Ananas comosus, belongs to the family Bromeliaceae.
  • Widely known by the name - Ananas.
  • Pineapple is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Vitamin B, and minerals like manganese, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium.
  • It possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties thus restrict the free radical formation within the body.
  • It also acts as an anticoagulant, thus should not exceed in consumption.
  • They are rich in flavonoids and phenolic compounds.
  • Galic acids which are acknowledged as a powerful antioxidant prevents free radical formation.
  •  This fruit comprises the enzyme bromelain which has a powerful anti-inflammatory action and reduces cell proliferation and promoted apoptosis in the tumor cells for abnormal cells.
  • Also useful for gastritis, irritable bowel disease, cystitis and reduces the risk of thrombus formation.

3) Kiwi

Amazing cancer-fighting  super fruits -Kiwi Fruit

  • Obtained from the tree Actinidia deliciosa, belongs to the family Actinidiaceae.   
  • Widely known by the name - Chinese gooseberry.
  • This fruit is rich in vitamins C,  A, E, B, K, J, and minerals such as potassium, calcium, and phosphorus.
  •  It has antioxidant, laxative, and diuretic properties thus effective against water retention and constipation.
  • This fruit is rich in lutein and zeaxantine which is helpful to reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration.
  • The antioxidant property of the fruit reduces the free radical the formation which on prolonged duration damages the DNA and causes abnormal cell growth.
  •  Also useful to protect eyesight, lower blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure levels.

4) Strawberries

Amazing cancer-fighting  super fruits -Strawberry Fruit

  •  Obtained from the tree Frgaria x ananassa, belongs to the family Rosaceae.
  • Widely known by the name  -wild strawberry or garden strawberry.
  • Strawberries are rich in vitamin C, A, B1, B2, and minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium.
  • Seeds contain folic acid and antioxidants, helps to prevent free radical formation.
  • It also has diuretic, detox, and remineralizing properties.
  • Strawberries are rich in ellagic acid which inhibits the growth of abnormal growing cells.
  •  Ellagic acid is an antioxidant that protects the normal cell.
  • Also, use for detoxification of body and teeth whitening.

5) Passion fruit

Amazing cancer-fighting  super fruits -Passion Fruit

  • Obtained from plant Passiflora edulis, belongs to the family Passifloraceae.
  •  Widely known by the name- Maracuja.
  • Passion fruit is rich in vitamins like A, B, C, and minerals like potassium, magnesium, copper, zinc calcium iron, and Selenium.
  •  It also contains phytochemicals like beta-carotene and polyphenols which are wonderful antioxidants and protect against free radicals aging process and chronic inflammation.
  • The phenolic compound like Chrysin and Piceatannol destroy the cancer cells.
  • Also useful to lower blood sugar levels and boosts the immune system.

6) Persimmons

Amazing cancer-fighting  super fruits - Persimmons Fruit

  • Obtained from plant Diospyros kaki, belongs to family Ebenaceae.
  •  Widely known by the name-  God’s pear or Jove’s fire.
  •  Persimmons are rich in vitamin C and minerals like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iron, and potassium.
  •  The phytochemical Fisetin promotes anti-aging.
  •  It also contains retinol and beta- carotene which is useful for healthy vision and bones.
  • The antioxidant beta carotene is known to lower the risk of cancer.
  •  Also helps to treat heart disease and metabolic disorder.

7) Papaya

Amazing cancer-fighting  super fruits -Papaya Fruit

  •  Obtained from plant Carica papaya belongs to the family Caricaceae.
  • Papaya is rich in vitamins C, A, E, and minerals like potassium, magnesium, zinc.
  • The antioxidant carotenoid, present in papaya reduces the free radical formation in the body.
  •  It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  • It also contains enzymes papain which is widely used to tenderize meat.
  • Lycopene present in papaya can reduce cancer risk and is also beneficial for the people who are being treated for cancer.
  • Also, use to improve heart health, digestive problem gastroesophageal Reflux, recurrent respiratory tract disease, and Parkinson’s disease.

8) Bilberry

Amazing cancer-fighting  super fruits -Bilberry Fruit

  • Obtained from plant Vaccinium myrtillus belongs to the family Ericaceae.
  • Widely known by the name-  blaeberry or whortleberry.
  • Bilberries are rich in vitamin C, K, and minerals like manganese.
  • The phytochemicals anthocyanins and flavonoid antioxidants are responsible for major health benefits.
  • Bilberry extract is known to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
  • It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  • Also beneficial to improve heart health, diabetes, and improves night vision.

9) Avocados

Amazing cancer-fighting  super fruits -Avocado fruit

  •  Obtained from tree Persea americana, belongs to the family Lauraceae.
  • Rich in vitamins like A, B, D, E, and K and minerals like potassium, magnesium, calcium, and omega -3-fatty acids.
  •  It also possesses powerful antioxidant properties to fight aging and free radical formation.
  • The avocado seed is rich in antioxidants that protect the cardiovascular system.
  • The phytochemicals present in avocado inhibits the cancer cell and growth of pre-cancerous cells.
  • It also induces apoptosis in the cancer cells.
  • Vitamin E is present in avocados has a role in preventing the degenerative disease of Alzheimer’s.
  • Also, use to control high blood pressure and cholesterol level.

10)  Tomato 

Amazing cancer-fighting  super fruits -Tomato Fruit

  • Obtained from tree Solanum lycopersicum, belongs to the family Solanaceae.
  • Tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin E  and minerals like iron, zinc, phosphorus, and potassium.
  • The powerful antioxidant lycopene is known to protect against cancerous cell and age-related issues.
  • Tomato has diuretic properties and also provides relief from constipation.
  • Tomato protects skin against the development of UV-induced keratinocyte carcinoma.

11) Blueberry

Amazing cancer-fighting  super fruits -Blueberry Fruit

  • Obtained from tree Cyanococcus, belongs to family Ericaceae.
  • Blueberries are rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and minerals like potassium, folate.
  •  It contains powerful antioxidant- anthocyanin which is associated with a lower risk of heart attack, stroke and hypertension.
  • Anthocyanin lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) and increases the level of HDL(good cholesterol).
  •  It also possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  • The phytochemicals present in blueberries are known to show potential anticancer effects.
  • Widely used to treat or lower down the risk of developing Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

12) Graviola

Amazing cancer-fighting  super fruits -Graviola Fruit

  •  Obtained from tree  Annona muricata, belongs to the family Annonaceae.
  •  Widely known by the name -Soursop.
  • Graviola is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, folate, niacin, and minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium.
  •  It also owns antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.
  • Graviola extract is known to possess anticancer activity.
  • Also, useful to treat infection caused by bacteria and parasites.


Amazing Cancer Fighting Super Fruits

The latest researches reveal that your diet has a significant impact on your risk of cancer. No food can protect you against cancer completely.

The term ‘Cancer-fighting fruits’ refers to specific components present in fruits that may lower the risk of cancer in a person.

Making healthy food selections consistently over time can reduce your risk of getting cancer.

Several studies show that including diversity of fruits in your regular diet not only reduces the risk of disease but also limits a certain type of infection in the body.

Consuming fruits frequently can boost vitality and stamina in the body.

Various researches are carried out to understand how these fruits can lower the risk of cancer in humans.

  It is extremely important to add fruits, a healthy regime along with a healthy lifestyle to attain a disease-free life.

 Do you include fruits in your regular diet? Tell us in the comment section. :)

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  1. Hi everyone! My name is Molly and I love learning about fitness and healthy lifestyle. I have been working out from home ever since I had my daughter (who is now 3). I thought I would miss the gym and taking classes more than anything, but I have grown to love my at home workouts and am amazed by how much is out there. Over the years I have put together a library of fitness videos that I love. Most of them are thirty minutes as that is the most time I can give and it is enough with the workouts I tend to do. I have been sharing good videos/intructors I have found with my friends and family for years and would love to share them with others as well. So many people would love to incorporate exercise into their life, but they do not know where to start. As we are going through a pandemic many people are looking for ways to stay active at home. I love doing strength training, pilates, hiit, bodyweight, etc. and will share with you some of my favorite workouts I have found. It seems that almost everyday I find a new video or instructor that I like!


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