
How To Get Rid Of Pimples (Acne) ? And Why Should You Care

How To Get Rid Of Acne (Pimples):8 Remedies To Make Sure You Remove Pimple Marks

Effective Home Remedies To Remove Pimple Mark

Are you concerned about constantly canceling your plans because of breakouts? Do acne ( aka pimples) ruin your life, despite every attempt to keep them away?
Everyone has met this little enemy once in their life, but some people have less frequent acne as compared to those who have to undergo heavy treatment to get rid of acne.
While this may be tempting to pick and pop it into sensibility, there are plenty of home remedies and DIY to deal with acne to get baby soft skin.

Causes of Acne

Excessive oil production.
Clogged hair follicles by oil and dirt.
Hormone imbalance.

Factors that may exacerbate acne outbreak

Effective Home Remedies To Remove Pimple Mark

Diet- Diet plays a significant role in maintaining healthy and smooth skin. Dietary food like milk, cheese & carbohydrate-rich foods like bread, chips may worsen acne. Also eating unhealthy food like junk, fried food may worsen acne symptoms.

Anxiety- Stress, anxiety & depression whatever we can call it can make acne worse. This is the reason why your skin looks pale and dull when you are under stress and looks perfect, soft, smooth when you are unstressed. To reduce the stress you can indulge in activities like yoga and meditation.

Hormones-It is one of the main factors that result in acne. Androgen is the hormone that is released in boys and girls during puberty. It leads to enlargement of sebaceous glands thus further leads to acne. Other hormonal changes related to pregnancy, use of oral contraceptives may worsen acne. In some women,  PCOD may be the reason for acne. In such circumstances, one should visit a dermatologist or consultant for the same.

Excess oil production -Excess sebum clogs your pores and if you have oily skin it surplus the chances of getting acne. Dead skin or hair follicles also clogs pores thus lead to blackheads and whiteheads.

  8  Best Home Remedies To Remove Acne (pimples) And Get Baby Soft Skin

 1)Tea Tree Oil

Effective Home Mask To Remove Pimple-Tea Tree Mask

 Tea tree oil obtained from Melaleuca alternifolia is an essential oil.
Tea tree oil contains Terpinen -4- ol which increases the activity to fight germs.
Tea Tree oil has strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This helps to treat inflammatory acne lesions.
Mix tea tree oil and water in ratio 1:9 (1 part tea tree oil with 9 parts water).
Dip a cotton swab into the mixture and apply it to the affected area.
After applying for about 2 minutes apply moisturizer.
Repeat this process 1 to 2 times per day.
Duration- 2 -3 minutes

2)Honey Mask

Effective Home Mask To Remove Pimple-honey Mask

 Manuka honey has been found as the most effective product to treat at acne. Honey masks hydrate the skin and fight acne.
It also speeds up the healing process. Honey can be used along with yogurt, cinnamon, and essential oil.
Method 1
Mix one tablespoon of raw honey with one tablespoon of yogurt.
Apply to face particularly to acne-prone areas.
Relax for 10 minutes and wipe off with a damp cloth.
Method 2
Mix two tablespoon of raw honey, one tablespoon of coconut, and half teaspoon of cinnamon.
Apply over the face.
Relax for 5 to 10 minutes and gently wipe off with a damp cloth.
Note-Cinnamon oil helps to fight acne because of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
- You can also add tea tree oil in the masks to prevent active acne breakout.
Duration-10-15 minutes

3)Baking Soda

Effective Home Mask To Remove Pimple-Baking Soda Mask

Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate work as a gentle exfoliant for your skin. Thus it removes dead skin and also unplugs the pores. It restores the pH balance of the skin.
Method 1
Mix two teaspoons of baking soda and a little water and apply it on your face.
Rinse it off after a few minutes.
 Method 2
You can also mix two tablespoon baking soda, one tablespoon cinnamon powder, half lemon, five tablespoon honey.
Apply it on your face and wash it after five minutes.
Note- Use baking soda on your skin once or twice a week only as it can irritate the skin.
Duration- 1-2 minutes

4)Fuller's Earth

Effective Home Mask To Remove Pimple-Fuller's Earth Mask

Popular as Multani Mitti is good for oily and acne-prone skin. It absorbs oil and other impurities thus act as an effective cleanse, also it unclogs the pores.
Mix an equal proportion of fuller’s earth, rosewater, sandalwood powder.
Apply this on your face
Wash after it dries up.
 Note- Repeat the process once a week.
            It also helps improve your complexion.
Duration- 10 -15 minutes

5)Orange peel

Effective Home Mask To Remove Pimple-Orange Face Mask

Obtained from the dried peel of Citrus X sinensis.
It has powerful anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties therefore beneficial for acne-prone oily skin.
both orange juices, as well as its peel, are used, but peels are more effective.
Also even out skin tone and improve complexion and skin texture.
Grind the dried peel powder and make a paste.
Apply this mixture to the affected area.
Then wash your face with warm water.
Duration-15 -20 minutes

6)Aloe Vera Gel

Effective Home Mask To Remove Pimple-AloeVera Mask

Also known as Aloe barbadensis.
Aloe vera has soothing and anti-inflammatory which can treat acne in a matter of a few days. Aloe Vera Gel also heals the scars caused by acne.
Scrape the gel from the aloe plant and apply the gel directly to clean skin.
Repeat one or two times per day.
Note - You can also buy Aloe Vera Gel from the store but make sure it is pure aloe vera without any added ingredients.
Duration- 5 -10 minutes

7)Fenugreek leaves

Effective Home Mask To Remove Pimple-Fenugreek Mask

Also called as Trigonella foenum graecum.
 The herb fenugreek has antifungal and antibacterial activities thus keeps the facial skin pores germ-free.
It also smoothens or softens the skin by removing dry and dead skin flakes.
Method 1
Make a paste of fenugreek leaves by adding a little amount of water.
Apply this paste on the affected area and leave it on for about 10 to 15 minutes.
Wash your face with warm water.
Method 2 –
Grind one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds into a fine powder and add a little warm water to make a paste.
Apply this paste on the affected area.
Leave it for about 20 minutes and then rinse it off.
Note- Do this two-three times a week.
Duration-15 -20 minutes


Effective Home Mask To Remove Pimple-Oatmeal Mask

Also known as Avena sativa, also called common oats.
It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties thus treat dry skin. It also exfoliates your skin.
It contains saponins which act as natural cleansers.
Mix one tablespoon of honey and juice of a half lemon in a cup of cooked oatmeal.
Rub this mixture over your face.
Leave it for 30 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water.
Note -Do this once or twice a week.
Duration- 30 minutes


Home Remedies To Remove Pimple

These homemade remedies restore or rejuvenate the skin thus reduce acne. All these ingredients are easily available at home or in stores.
Try these remedies once or twice a week to obtain baby soft skin. If acne worsens even on application of home remedies, consult a dermatologist.

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