
How To Remove Tan? 10 Killer Ways To Remove Tan At Home

How To Remove Tan Immediately ? 10 Effective Home Remedies To Remove Sun Tan From Face And Body

Effective Masks To Remove Tan

Worried about stepping out in the sun during summer? Summer holidays are delightful and leisure until your skin gets two or more shade darker.
Unlike western countries where most are found of tanned appearance but people in eastern countries do not favor this look. They consider it unaesthetic because we don’t want to look captivating, we just want to look like ourselves back. Thus in summer, several people complain about sun tanned skin.

How tanning occurs?

When ultraviolet rays penetrate skin it leads to the production of more and more melanin which results in sun tanned skin. Although melanin protects the skin from sun damage but in the longer run, it can lead to skin cancer.

You need not worry as this tan will fade out eventually but to bring your skin back to a normal state you have to be patient. Instead of spending money on expensive cosmetic products, you can try some natural treatment. Simple and readily available kitchen ingredients can be used to invent your very own home remedies for sun tan removal and to improve skin complexion.

Be sure you protect your skin from UV rays and apply sunscreen before going out. These remedies are also helpful to get your childhood complexion back but will not make you lighter than your natural complexion.

10 best face packs to get rid of tan during summers to get your complexion back

1)      Lemon juice and sugar scrub

Effective Masks To Remove Tan-Lemon And Sugar Scrub

It is one of the most effective homes made scrubs for tan removal. All you need is lemon juice and sugar crystals.
Lemon has natural bleaching property and, it is a good anti-blemish and de-tanning agent where sugar crystals act an exfoliating agent.

  • Mix lemon juice and sugar crystals in a bowl.
  • Apply the mixture on your face.
  • Gently exfoliate your skin in a circular motion.
  • Rinse it off with water.
Note- Repeat once a week for better results.

Duration- Exfoliate for 2-3 minutes, apply a mask for about 20 minutes.

2)      Potato

Effective Masks To Remove Tan- Potato Face Mask

Fresh potato is an amazing remedy for sun tanned skin. Potato is rich in lycopene,  and Vitamin C thus works as a natural bleaching agent and lighten the dark skin. It also helps to soothe sunburn.

  • Make a paste or thick potato juice by blitzing it in a mixer.
  • Add a tablespoon of lemon juice in potato juice.
  • Apply the mixture all over your face.
  • Rinse it off or wipe off with a damp cloth.
Note- Repeat twice a week for better results.
Duration-  30 minutes

3)      Tomato

Best Masks To Remove Tan-Tomato Face mask

Tomatoes work wonders for de-tanning your skin. They mainly contain lycopene which works as a natural sunscreen. Antioxidant –Carotene present in tomatoes prevents cellular damage and reddening of the skin, thus become the perfect solution for de-tanning your skin.

  • Mash the fresh tomatoes and separate the pulp.
  • Apply the juice on your face.
  • Keep it on your face until it dries up.
  • Rinse it off with tap water.
Note- Repeat 2-3 times a week for better results.
Duration- 15 minutes

4)      Aloe vera gel

Best Masks To Remove Tan-Aloe Vera Face mask

Aloe vera gel is very beneficial for your skin when you are deeply tanned. It acts like a protective layer on the skin which heals it simultaneously. This gel is also beneficial for reducing wrinkles and aging. It also reduces acne marks and moisturizes the skin.

  • Scrape the gel and mix it with lemon juice.
  • Apply it on the face using cotton balls or brush.
  • Wipe it off with a tissue or damp cloth.
Note- Repeat the process 2 times a week for better results.
Duration- 20 minutes

5)      Yogurt

Best Masks To Remove Tan-Curd Face mask

Yogurt works wonder to minimize the suntan. It cools the skin thus reduces redness and make skin brighter. It also helps clear dead cells and tightens the skin pores. Yogurt is rich in both oil and lactic acid thus help de-tan your skin.
Method 1

  • Mix yogurt and lemon in a bowl.
  • Apply it on your skin and allow it to dry.
  • Wash it off.

Method 2

  • Take half a cup yogurt in a bowl add cucumber and tomato juice.
  • Add half a cup of gram flour.
  • Apply it on your face.
  • Wash it off with lukewarm water.
Note –Apply it daily or 3 times a week
Duration -30 minutes

6)      Cucumber and Milk Mask

Best Masks To Remove Tan-Cucumber And Milk Face mask

Cucumber and milk are amazing ingredients for de-tanning skin. Cucumber possesses cooling properties while milk has moisturizing properties. Milk or milk cream both can be used.

  • Mix milk and cucumber juice in a bowl.
  • Mix well and apply it on your face with a cotton ball.
  • Rinse it off with cold water.
Note- Do this regularly.
Duration- 20-30 minutes.

7)      Papaya

Best Masks To Remove Tan-Papaya Face mask

Papaya helps to give your skin a radiant glow and smooth finish thus help remove tanning from the face. The enzyme papain has skin lightening properties too.

  • Cut the papaya into fine pieces.
  • Either rub it against your face or make a paste of it.
  • Allow drying.
  • Rinse it off with water.
Note- Do this twice a day.
Duration-20 minutes

8)      Sandalwood

Best Masks To Remove Tan-Sandalwood Face mask

Sandalwood is known for its skin whitening properties and also effective to remove tan. It also has anti-aging properties thus cleanse your skin and helps you maintain a glowing complexion. It contains essential oil which helps to de-tan your skin.
 Method 1

  • Mix one tablespoon of sandalwood powder and two tablespoons of coconut water.
  • Apply this mixture on your face.
  • Rinse it off with cold water.

Method 2

  • Mix an equal amount of sandalwood and turmeric powder.
  • Add some rose water or plain water to make a paste.
  • Apply the paste on your face.
  • Wash it off with cold water.
Note -Do this twice a week
Duration- 30 minutes

9)      Oatmeal

Best Masks To Remove Tan-Oatmeal Face mask

Oatmeal has skin-soothing properties and also works as an exfoliant to cleanse the pores and remove the dead skin. It can be used in a couple of ways. It contains amino acids to get rid of tan.
Method 1

  • Add two tablespoons of oatmeal powder and three tablespoons of buttermilk.
  • Apply this paste all over your face.
  • Rinse it off with cold water.

Method 2

  • Mix oatmeal powder with lemon juice in a bowl.
  • Add rose water.
  • Apply this paste on your face.
  • Rinse it off with water.
Note -Do this twice a week.
Duration-30 minutes

10)   Gram flour

Best Masks To Remove Tan-Gramflour Face mask

It acts as a skin lightener and removes dead skin, thus helps to remove tan. Adding curd can do wonder too. Curd is known for cooling and nourishing properties and moisturizes the skin.
Method 1

  • Add curd and gram flour in a bowl.
  • Apply this mixture on your face.
  • Let it dry.
  • Rinse it off with cold water.
Note- Do this once a week.
Duration-15-20 minutes.

Method 2

  • Mix gram flour and turmeric in a bowl.
  • Add rose water in it.
  • Apply this paste on your face.
  • Rinse it off the cold water.
  Extra step – You can add lemon juice and yogurt in the above paste for better results.
Note- Do this 3 times a week for better result
Duration-15-20 minutes


Effective Face Mask To Remove Tan

It is almost impossible to avoid tanning during summers but by using extra care you can remove tan from your skin and lighten your complexion too.
Extra measures like avoiding the sun during noon are very important but don’t cut off sunlight from your daily routine because sunlight is a source of vitamin D, important for the normal functioning of the body. Be sure to protect your skin from UV rays or sun exposure. These masks can be used on any part of the body to get rid of tan.

These home remedies will help you to remove tan and to obtain brighter and smooth complexion but these will not make you lighter than your genetic complexion. Use these home remedies for about a month before reaching to any conclusion.

Be healthy and stay safe.

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